The Street Outreach Services (SOS) project is part of the Persad Center and the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Pittsburgh (GLCC). This is their description of the project:

“Rates of homelessness and runaways are much greater in LGBT youth. Street Outreach Services is an on-the-street program that utilizes a team of qualified individuals to work with homeless and runaway youth. This team’s goal is to find and make contact with these youth, then help them with any needs by providing the best resources to meet those needs. The ultimate goal is to work towards getting these youth off the street and keeping them safe.

1 1/2 months ago I already tried to shadow the SOS team. I didn’t have my Act 33/34 clearances and my criminal records and it turned out that I’m not allowed to walk with the team until I get the clearances.

Now, I’m allowed to observe the SOS project of the Persad Center and the GLCC. Betty Hill, Executive Director of the Persad Center, gave her “Ok” to start walking with the SOS team. I’m going to be accompany them on March 20th + 22th and will have the chance to be close to the action. On Wednesday March 14th I already could get a insight in the work. Allan Brown, one of the SOS team member, showed me what they provide to the homeless youth: Food and Snacks, water, hygiene products, clothes and much more. We also walked through Downtown Pittsburgh and he explained me at which spots homeless youth is suspected.

I hope I can get an insight in the important work of the SOS project. I believe participating in that group will help me to understand different opinions and views better. Also, I want to understand why do young people run away from their homes and/or why are they kicked out of their homes. And finally, I want to find out if there is a way where I would be able to help them, to let them know that they are not alone and that it does get better.

I’m looking forward to giving you a detailed report after I shadowed the SOS team.